Agariciidae Pavona

This genus (10 species*), very polymorphic (branching, foliaceous, encrusting), is found in all geomorphological areas of the reef. Corallites arrangement is plocoid or associated along a line more or less concentric but there are no real valleys, their sizes are centrimetric (3 to 15 mm). The walls are never prominent (not visible). In some cases, there are costo-septae (welding of septa between several corallites) which could be confused with a wall.

*Pavona danai, Pavona decussata, Pavona divaricata, Pavona cactus, Pavona clavus, Pavona explanulata, Pavona frondifera, Pavona maldivensis, Pavona varians, Pavona xarifae.









