Tricholinstowia talpae female

Super-family: Heligmosomoidea
Family: Heligmonellidae
Sub-family: Heligmonellinae
Viannaia talpae, Morgan, 1928
Morganiella talpae, Travassos, 1937
Author and date: (Morgan, 1928) Durette-Desset, 1971
Parasite of Talpa europea, Talpidae, Mammalia
Locality: not specified
Location: intestine

Collection : In Museum National d'histoire naturelle de Paris
Reference: Travassos, 1937. Monographia Instistudo de oswaldo Cruz, 512pp. (Personnal reference 8 NH) Durette-Desset , 1971. Annales de parasitologie humaineet comparée (Personal reference n°48)


Talpa europea host


Whole body of Tricholinstowia talpae female


Posterior end of Tricholinstowia talpae female.



Generality of the parasite

Whole body

Cephalic characters

Anterior part

Synlophe at midbody

Reproductive tract of the female

Reproductive tract of the male