Descripteur : Length of the rigth spicule

Spicules are accessory cuticular pieces, always double in Heligmonellinae (spicules right and left).
During the copulation, spicules are inserted in the vagina of the female to maintain it open.
Both spicules can be of the same length or different lengths.

Spicules are a great value at the specific level but their structure can be appreciated only after they have dissected from the worm and examined at various angles. Generally , short complex spicules are characteristic of primitive forms: during the course of evolution they become longer and more simplified (Chabaud, 1959). However, whithin a single genus (e.g. , Viannaia) spicules may be short and complex or long and simple depending on the species.


<100 µm

101 to 200 µm

201 to 300 µm

301 to 400 µm

401 to 500 µm

501 to 600 µm

601 to 700µm

701 to 800 µm

801 to 900 µm

901 to 1000µm


Sex of the nematode
 |_ Length of the rigth spicule

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