Paraheligmonella interrogans male

Super-family: Heligmosomoidea
Family: Heligmonellidae
Sub-family: Heligmonellinae
Heligmodendrium interrogans, Lent and Freitas,1938.
Author and date: (Lent et Freitas,1938), Durette-Desset, 1971, (personal reference n°48 nas)
Parasite of Cercomyscunicularius, Echimyidae, Mammalia
Locality: Chique-Chique, state of Bahia (Brazil)
Location: small intestine

Collection : colleçao helminthologica doinstitudo Oswaldo Cruz
Reference : Lentand Freitas, 1938. In livro jubilar Pr Travassos, Instituto oswaldocruz , 269-273. (personal reference N1423)
Durette-Desset, 1971, (personal reference n°48 nas)


Anterior end of Paraheligmonella interrogans.


Caudal bursa of Paraheligmonella interrogans male; ventral view.Detail of spicules (left) and dorsal ray (right)


Generality of the parasite

Whole body

Cephalic characters

Anterior part

Synlophe at midbody

Reproductive tract of the female

Reproductive tract of the male