Heligmonella asymmetrica male

Super-family: Heligmosomoidea
Family: Heligmonellidae
Sub-family: Heligmonellinae
Longistriata asymmetrica, Durette-Desset, 1969
Author and date: (Durette-Desset, 1969), Durette-Desset, 1971
Parasite of Atherurus africanus, Hystricidae, Mammalia
Locality: Loukapon (Democratic republic of Congo)
Location: small intestine

Collection : Collections of Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris; n°
Reference: Durette-Desset, 1969, Cahiers de la Maboké, 7: 109-130.(personal reference n°27)


Atherurus africanus (Host)


Transversal section of Heligmonella asymmetrica male


Synlophe of Heligmonella asymmetrica male


Caudal bursa of Heligmonella asymmetrica male, ventral view.


Spicule extremity of Heligmonella asymmetrica male



Generality of the parasite

Whole body

Cephalic characters

Anterior part

Synlophe at midbody

Reproductive tract of the female

Reproductive tract of the male