Number of taxa : 16+

Number of groups : 4+

Number of descriptors : 19+

Number of states : 120+

Number of pictures : 36

The base is complete at 78%More

Empty description : 0.0%

Unknown description 21.05%More

Index Taxon Unknown description
5 Bunolagus Proportion tail length / body length
5 Bunolagus Tail Length
5 Bunolagus Proportion ears length / body length
5 Bunolagus Ears Length
5 Bunolagus Proportion hind foot length / body length
5 Bunolagus Hind foot Length
5 Bunolagus Gestation Period
5 Bunolagus Proximity with human
7 Caprolagus Proportion tail length / body length
7 Caprolagus Tail Length
7 Caprolagus Proportion ears length / body length
7 Caprolagus Ears Length
7 Caprolagus Proportion hind foot length / body length
7 Caprolagus Hind foot Length
7 Caprolagus Breeding Interval
7 Caprolagus Gestation Period
3 Pentalagus Proportion hind foot length / body length
3 Pentalagus Hind foot Length
3 Pentalagus Gestation Period
3 Pentalagus Climate
3 Pentalagus Proximity with human
11 Pronolagus rupestris Proportion tail length / body length
11 Pronolagus rupestris Tail Length
11 Pronolagus rupestris Breeding Interval
11 Pronolagus rupestris Breeding Season
11 Pronolagus rupestris Proximity with human
2 Romerolagus Breeding Interval
2 Romerolagus Breeding Season
2 Romerolagus Climate
2 Romerolagus Proximity with human
8 Sylvilagus audubonii Climate
8 Sylvilagus audubonii Proximity with human
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Proportion tail length / body length
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Tail Length
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Proportion ears length / body length
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Ears Length
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Proportion hind foot length / body length
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Hind foot Length
9 Sylvilagus floridanus Proximity with human
13 Lepus timidus Proximity with human
16 Ochotona Proportion ears length / body length
16 Ochotona Ears Length
16 Ochotona Proportion hind foot length / body length
16 Ochotona Hind foot Length
16 Ochotona Breeding Season
16 Ochotona Proximity with human
10 Nesolagus netscheri Proportion ears length / body length
10 Nesolagus netscheri Ears Length
10 Nesolagus netscheri Proportion hind foot length / body length
10 Nesolagus netscheri Hind foot Length
10 Nesolagus netscheri Mass
10 Nesolagus netscheri Breeding Interval
10 Nesolagus netscheri Breeding Season
10 Nesolagus netscheri Number of Offspring
10 Nesolagus netscheri Gestation Period
10 Nesolagus netscheri Climate
10 Nesolagus netscheri Proximity with human
14 Lepus californicus Proportion hind foot length / body length
14 Lepus californicus Hind foot Length
6 Poelagus Breeding Interval
6 Poelagus Proximity with human
4 Brachylagus Proportion ears length / body length
4 Brachylagus Ears Length
4 Brachylagus Proximity with human