[Physical description] Body Length [Physical description] Proportion tail length / body length [Physical description] Tail Length [Physical description] Proportion ears length / body length [Physical description] Ears Length [Physical description] Proportion hind foot length / body length [Physical description] Hind foot Length [Physical description] Mass [Behaviour] Activity Period [Behaviour] Nesting [Reproduction] Breeding Interval [Reproduction] Breeding Season [Reproduction] Number of Offspring [Reproduction] Gestation Period IUCN Red List [Environment] Geographic Range [Environment] Habitat [Environment] Climate [Environment] Proximity with human
Oryctolagus 300 to 349 mm ; 350 to 399 mm ; 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm 8.1 to 12 % ; 12.1 to 16 % ; 16.1 to 20 % 30 to 59 mm ; 60 to 89 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % 56 to 75 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % 61 to 90 mm ; 91 to 120 mm 1 to 1,9 kg ; 2 to 2,9 kg Crespuscular ; Nocturnal Chamber or Burrow 3 to 4 litters January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August ; September ; October ; November ; December 5 to 6 offsprings ; 7 to 8 offsprings ; 9 and/or more offsprings 26 to 30 days ; 31 to 35 days ; 36 to 40 days Least concern Nearctic ; Palearctic ; Neotropical ; Ethiopian ; Oriental ; Australian ; Oceanic Island Savanna or Grassland ; Forest Temperate ; Tropical Agricultural ; Urban ; Sub-urban
Romerolagus 250 to 299 mm ; 300 to 349 mm ; 350 to 399 mm 4.1 to 8 % ; 8.1 to 12 % 1 to 29 mm ; 30 to 59 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % 35 to 55 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % 31 to 60 mm 1 to 1,9 kg ; 2 to 2,9 kg Crespuscular ; Nocturnal Nest ??1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings 36 to 40 days ; 41 to 45 days Endangered Nearctic Savanna or Grassland ; Forest ??
Pentalagus 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm <4 % 1 to 29 mm 5.1 to 10 % ; 10.1 to 15 % 35 to 55 mm ??2 to 2,9 kg ; 3 to 3,9 kg Nocturnal Chamber or Burrow 1 to 2 litters November ; December 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ?Endangered Oriental Forest ??
Brachylagus 200 to 249 mm ; 250 to 299 mm 4.1 to 8 % ; 8.1 to 12 % 1 to 29 mm ??20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % 61 to 90 mm 0,1 to 0,9 kg Diurnal Chamber or Burrow 3 to 4 litters February ; March ; April ; May 5 to 6 offsprings 26 to 30 days Near threatened Nearctic Savanna or Grassland ; Forest ; Scrub Forest Temperate ?
Bunolagus 300 to 349 mm ; 350 to 399 mm ; 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ??????1 to 1,9 kg Nocturnal Chamber or Burrow ; Nest 1 to 2 litters January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; August ; September ; October ; November ; December 1 to 2 offsprings ?Critically endangered Ethiopian Scrub Forest ; Desert or Dune Temperate ?
Poelagus 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm 8.1 to 12 % ; 12.1 to 16 % 30 to 59 mm 10.1 to 15 % 56 to 75 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % 61 to 90 mm ; 91 to 120 mm 2 to 2,9 kg ; 3 to 3,9 kg Crespuscular ; Nocturnal Nest ?January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August ; September ; October ; November ; December 1 to 2 offsprings 26 to 30 days ; 31 to 35 days ; 36 to 40 days ; 41 to 45 days Least concern Ethiopian Savanna or Grassland ; Scrub Forest ; Chapparal Tropical ?
Caprolagus 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm ??????2 to 2,9 kg Nocturnal None or Unknown ?January ; March 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings ?Endangered Palearctic Savanna or Grassland Temperate Agricultural
Sylvilagus audubonii 350 to 399 mm ; 400 to 449 mm 8.1 to 12 % ; 12.1 to 16 % 30 to 59 mm ; 60 to 89 mm 15.1 to 20 % 56 to 75 mm 20.1 to 25 % 61 to 90 mm 0,1 to 0,9 kg Crespuscular Nest 5 to 6 litters January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August ; December 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings ; 7 to 8 offsprings 26 to 30 days Least concern Nearctic Savanna or Grassland ; Desert or Dune ; Chapparal ??
Sylvilagus floridanus 350 to 399 mm ; 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ??????0,1 to 0,9 kg ; 1 to 1,9 kg Crespuscular ; Nocturnal Nest 1 to 2 litters ; 3 to 4 litters ; 5 to 6 litters ; 7 to 8 litters February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August ; September 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings ; 7 to 8 offsprings ; 9 and/or more offsprings 21 to 25 days ; 26 to 30 days Least concern Nearctic Forest Temperate ; Tropical ?
Nesolagus netscheri 350 to 399 mm ; 400 to 449 mm <4 % ; 4.1 to 8 % 1 to 29 mm ?????Nocturnal None or Unknown ????Critically endangered Oriental ; Oceanic Island Rainforest ??
Pronolagus rupestris 350 to 399 mm ; 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm ; 550 to 599 mm ??10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % 56 to 75 mm ; 76 to 95 mm ; 96 to 115 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % 61 to 90 mm ; 91 to 120 mm 2 to 2,9 kg Nocturnal Nest ??1 to 2 offsprings 26 to 30 days Least concern Ethiopian Mountains Tropical ?
Lepus americanus 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm 4.1 to 8 % ; 8.1 to 12 % ; 12.1 to 16 % 30 to 59 mm 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % 56 to 75 mm 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % ; 30.1 to 35 % ; 35.1 to 40 % 91 to 120 mm ; 121 to 150 mm 1 to 1,9 kg Crespuscular ; Nocturnal None or Unknown 1 to 2 litters ; 3 to 4 litters March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings ; 7 to 8 offsprings 26 to 30 days ; 31 to 35 days ; 36 to 40 days Least concern Nearctic Forest ; Tundra ; Taiga Temperate Agricultural
Lepus timidus 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm ; 550 to 599 mm ; 600 to 649 mm 4.1 to 8 % ; 8.1 to 12 % ; 12.1 to 16 % ; 16.1 to 20 % 30 to 59 mm ; 60 to 89 mm 5.1 to 10 % ; 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % 56 to 75 mm ; 76 to 95 mm 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % ; 30.1 to 35 % ; 35.1 to 40 % ; 40.1 to 45 % 121 to 150 mm ; 151 to 180 mm 1 to 1,9 kg ; 2 to 2,9 kg ; 3 to 3,9 kg ; 4 to 4,9 kg ; 5 to 5,9 kg Nocturnal None or Unknown 1 to 2 litters January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August ; September 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings 46 to 50 days ; 51 to 55 days Least concern Palearctic Forest ; Tundra ; Taiga ; Mountains Temperate ?
Lepus californicus 400 to 449 mm ; 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm ; 550 to 599 mm ; 600 to 649 mm 12.1 to 16 % ; 16.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 24 % ; 24.1 to 28 % 90 to 119 mm 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % ; 30.1 to 35 % 96 to 115 mm ; 116 to 135 mm ??1 to 1,9 kg ; 2 to 2,9 kg ; 3 to 3,9 kg Diurnal None or Unknown 3 to 4 litters January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully ; August ; September ; December 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings 41 to 45 days ; 46 to 50 days Least concern Nearctic Savanna or Grassland ; Desert or Dune ; Chapparal Temperate Agricultural ; Sub-urban
Lepus europaeus 450 to 499 mm ; 500 to 549 mm ; 550 to 599 mm ; 600 to 649 mm ; 650 to 699 mm ; 700 to 749 mm ; 750 to 799 mm 8.1 to 12 % ; 12.1 to 16 % ; 16.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 24 % 60 to 89 mm ; 90 to 119 mm 5.1 to 10 % ; 10.1 to 15 % ; 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % 56 to 75 mm ; 76 to 95 mm ; 96 to 115 mm 15.1 to 20 % ; 20.1 to 25 % ; 25.1 to 30 % ; 30.1 to 35 % 121 to 150 mm ; 151 to 180 mm 1 to 1,9 kg ; 2 to 2,9 kg ; 3 to 3,9 kg ; 4 to 4,9 kg ; 5 to 5,9 kg ; 6 to 6,9 kg ; 7 to 7,9 kg Crespuscular ; Nocturnal Nest 1 to 2 litters ; 3 to 4 litters January ; February ; March ; April ; May ; June ; Jully 1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings ; 7 to 8 offsprings 26 to 30 days ; 31 to 35 days ; 36 to 40 days ; 41 to 45 days Least concern Nearctic ; Palearctic ; Neotropical ; Australian Savanna or Grassland Temperate Agricultural
Ochotona 199 mm or less ; 200 to 249 mm <4 % 1 to 29 mm ????0,1 to 0,9 kg Diurnal None or Unknown 3 to 4 litters ; 5 to 6 litters ?1 to 2 offsprings ; 3 to 4 offsprings ; 5 to 6 offsprings ; 7 to 8 offsprings ; 9 and/or more offsprings 21 to 25 days ; 26 to 30 days Least concern ; Vulnerable Nearctic ; Palearctic Savanna or Grassland ; Desert or Dune ; Tundra ; Taiga ; Mountains Temperate ; Polar ?