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Description de Maa (1963) :
Body rather small and slender, strongly humpbacked. Head as broad as pronotum. Anteclypeus strongly convex at median area; postclypeus in ♀ gently and evenly convex, in ♂ with a large (about as wide as lorum), deep, sharply-rimmed depression near top ; pleurostome about 1.5X as wide as lorum; maxillary plate well exposed. Crown short; tylus 1/2 as long as wide, distinctly narrower than side piece of vertex and only about 1/2 as wide as an eye; supra-antennal triangle posteriorly poorly defined, well visible in vertical view of crown. Pronotum transversely punctate-rugose; anterolateral margin as long as or slightly longer than interocellar distance. Tegminal venation much simplified, as figured in original description and described in key to genera (see above) ; claval vein simple at basal 1/2, branched at apical 1/2, with branch 1 forked at its extreme apex; corial appendix reaching 3/5 of apical corial margin. Other characters as in Machaeropsis.