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Description de Maa (1963) :
Body of medium size, robust, rather strongly humpbacked, about 3/4 as deep in profile as broad. Head as broad as or slightly broader than pronotum. Anteclypeus weakly convex; postclypeus broadly flattened, in !f! slightly depressed at disco Pleurostome 2 X as broad as lorum, separated from the latter by a long deep suture; upper portion of lorum strongly acuminate, weakly tuberculate; maximum length of gena proper 2/3 of maximum breadth of pleurostome; maxillary plate hardly exposed. Eye much broader than long, its inner margin strongly curved and subangulate at lower end; outer margin entirely not touching posterior margin of head. Tylus 1/3 as long as broad, distinctly narrower than eye, nearly as broad as side piece of vertex; supra-antenl1al triangle c1early defined, and together with upper portion of postclypeus, well visible in vertical view of crown. Ocelli much closer to each other than to eyes, virtually touching transverse frontal suture. Pronotum with fairly regular transverse striae; anterolateral margin only about 1/2 as long as interocellar distance, almost rounded-off. Scutellum proper about 1/4-2/5 as deep in profile as long, medially with a deep broad longitudinal excavation, submedially sharply, highly carinated, laterally abruptly descending; scutellar apex also deeply excavated, separated from scutellum proper by a low rounded transverse ridge, Tegmen short, broad, transparent smooth all-over; veins prominent, deeply pigmented, granulated; R evenly, weakly curved very close and subparallel to costal margin, not forming distinct subcostal triangle; abscissa 1 of M subparallel to R, thence adnate with Rs for some distance, abscissa 3 strongly diverging from Rs and stretching nearly ta claval apex; apical 1/2 of Cu touching claval furrow; cells all concave; apical cell 2 trapezoid, larger than 1, 3 subtriangular, quite small; preapical cell 2 also subtriangular, but fairly large; corial appendix reaching 2/3 of apical corial margin; clavus apically acuminate, with 2 longitudinal and 1 crossvein. Hind tibia with 2 lateral spines, that near middle is about 1/2 as long as breadth of tibial apex. Female anal segment partly concealed; anal style about 1.5 X profile depth at base; ovipositor-sheath vertical. Male unknown.