base is structured according to the following architecture:
Descriptor {State_1; State_2; State_3; ...}
The descriptors are grouped in groups. For a safe identification choose
only the descriptors that are in the informative
group, the other uncertain descriptors could be subject to some
changes, moreover they
are highly polymorphic.
The simplified version presents only the robust descriptors: uncertain
were removed to facilited the identification.
Art. L.112-3. Les auteurs de
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disposition des
matières, constituent des créations
On entend par base de données un recueil d'oeuvres, de
données ou
d'autres éléments indépendants,
disposés de manière systématique ou
méthodique, et individuellement accessibles par des moyens
électroniques ou par tout autre moyen.
Creative Commons Paternité - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale -
Pas de
Modification 3.0 Unported License.
You are free:
to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work
Under the following conditions:
Attribution — You must attribute Palm-ID to THOMAS WELZER
Romain (with
Attribute this work:
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Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get
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